Tomorrow our country will be remembering the attack of eight years ago. 9/11 will never be forgotten. It is only appropriate to paint my tribute to those we lost on that day ....on that date. The monument in NYC is two beams of lights symbolizing the Twin Towers. I will be painting Two Towers of Pageant Blue color. This will be simple but very symbolic. Many have shared their views of including or excluding this on the mural. This is a piece of public art and opinions will always be varied. I know how I feel about 9/11. Many friends have loved ones serving due to that day. Maybe not directly due to the attack, because of the emotion it evoked to sign up and serve our country. We are now in two wars, War in Afghanistan and War in Iraq. Weather you agree with the wars or not.....we still are in them. We have to stand together and support our Troops!