Getting smarter at my old age....I set up a tent to get out of the sun. I guess I was testing my endurance. I can work longer and more comfortable now. It also keeps the brick from heating up.

While studying the Korean War I was able to refresh my earlier history lessons. The united States joined our Allies with the united Nations to protect Korean Citizens from North Korean Communism. The monument in Washington portrays 19 soldiers. Their reflections are in granite before them that total 38. This symbolizes the 38
parallel. The border being fought for. In learning this, I desired to include some sort of symbolism with in the tribute. Not sure on how I continues with my sketch of the three men wearing the rain ponchos. I studied my lay out and discovered the first soldier lies under the third feather and there is a crack in the wall under the eighth feather. The 38
parallel was provided by God. I would also like to note that the journalist that where held in North Korea where released on the day I completed the tribute. They were arrested of trespassing on the 38

Tribute to WW1- Trench
warfare was used during this period. It was also the first time for
Mustard and
poisonous gases. Using grey and sepia tones , heavy shading shows folds and movement in their uniforms.
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