Thursday, October 1, 2009

September 30, 2009- The Finish line

Today was a beautiful day to finish the project of the Freedom Eagle. I am so proud of the mural and what it represents. The light breeze with fall weather made the day very productive. A song bird visited me for most the day and It was the most peaceful day. The project started June 29, 2009, and this was the first day I was able to tone out the traffic noise of log trucks and trains to remain focused. I am so thank-full for my Parents for encouraging me that The Freedom Eagle is complete. One of the most difficult things to do is to decide when a piece is at it's end. I have so many ideas that could be added to the piece but they are not needed. It is depicting what I intended and I am pleased with the result. I feel Our Veterans and fine folks of Guin would agree.

Two streams of light depict our recovery from the 9-11 attacks. The faint landscape illustrating the rough terrain of Afghanistan can be seen above the group of troops praying. I choose to over lap the two because the wars are concurrent and ongoing. The image of prayer is powerful to me and I felt lead to use this image to pay tribute to our brave men and women serving today. I hope everyone that sees the tribute feel lead to pray for our Country. Pray for our leaders. Pray for our Soldiers to return home safely. Pray for the families that have lost their loved ones fighting for our Country and helping others.

Totals for the project: 42 days 236.5 hours.
A sincere thank you to all involved. I appreciate the opportunity to work in my home town and feel honored to have met so many wonderful Veterans and family of Veterans during the project.
The plans for the next mural are in the works. Keep checking the blog for updates.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Over-all progress.
Tomorrow our country will be remembering the attack of eight years ago. 9/11 will never be forgotten. It is only appropriate to paint my tribute to those we lost on that day ....on that date. The monument in NYC is two beams of lights symbolizing the Twin Towers. I will be painting Two Towers of Pageant Blue color. This will be simple but very symbolic. Many have shared their views of including or excluding this on the mural. This is a piece of public art and opinions will always be varied. I know how I feel about 9/11. Many friends have loved ones serving due to that day. Maybe not directly due to the attack, because of the emotion it evoked to sign up and serve our country. We are now in two wars, War in Afghanistan and War in Iraq. Weather you agree with the wars or not.....we still are in them. We have to stand together and support our Troops!
The revision of the Memorial to the SS. Arizona. After studying my design , This is a better tribute then illustrating the actual event of the attack. It shows how Americans overcome adversity and remain strong. I will be adding more detail of the ship shadowed beneath the monument.

Completed Gulf War tribute. I appreciate the input of Mr. Duke and Roger Gann.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Today is beautiful, and I'm preparing for a productive day. While in the shop I'm printing some reference photos and getting mentally prepared for what the day may hold. Yesterday I attempted to portray a tank in the Gulf War tribute and was dissatisfied with the composition. I have revamped my vision to portraying members of the 877Th National Guard to be in the foreground with c-130's fling behind them. I have completed the planes and the burning oil wells Saturday. Yesterday I added shadow to Our flag and started the outlining or the World Trade center.

I want to take a moment and thank the Veterans that have shared stories of their service with me. I have always heard that a picture has a thousand words.....I feel this one has so many more.

Thank you to Ottis for sharing his thoughts on the time line. All the wars shown are ones for LIBERTY. Not of ones over land. Battles for Freedom. We all need to be reminded of how fortunate we are to live in these United States. -----Together we stand!

More photos are coming soon.

Monday, August 17, 2009


This morning I was able to get the Pearl harbor Tribute roughed in. This was inspired from a photo that was recovered from a Brownie camera after the attack. It was found in a foot locker. The shot depicts smoke and flames billowing from a refueling ship. I would like to add a battleship. I also plan to darken the water a bit. The brick below reads " December 7, 1941" May we never forget!
The flag was raised last week and color added. I'm very pleased with the change. The flag now is tucked and protected by the Eagles right wing.

Completed Vietnam Tribute- I struggled with the boots. I was unable to locate a photo for reference, so I found my self visualizing what a leather boot would look like. I pictured soldiers marching in mud and brush. I took in account how sweat would break and discolor the leather. How soldiers laced and pulled tight for support was also running Through my mind. And one more consideration on the boots was....keeping the details so that it is aesthetically pleasing from 10' away.
I really love this shot. The yellow flowers in the foreground are beautiful. God Bless our Troops!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I apologize for the lapse of time between entries. I have completed the Vietnam Tribute and have been busy researching photos for inspiration on the upcoming Tributes. I have found this to be extremely frustrating and emotional. The following link is one that described some of the reasons why I'm experiencing problems. Military Censorship of Photographs. In this essay he discusses the Gulf War being difficult to cover. This is a progression shot of the Vietnam Tribute. I have since finished and now tring to find the photo of the finished Tribute.
Close up of the soldier with the machine gun. The brick wall had a hole on his face and I did my best to have it fall in line with his eye.

After looking at the blog a realized I did not show the photos of the WW1 Tribute completed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

8-9-09 Update on progress

Getting smarter at my old age....I set up a tent to get out of the sun. I guess I was testing my endurance. I can work longer and more comfortable now. It also keeps the brick from heating up.

While studying the Korean War I was able to refresh my earlier history lessons. The united States joined our Allies with the united Nations to protect Korean Citizens from North Korean Communism. The monument in Washington portrays 19 soldiers. Their reflections are in granite before them that total 38. This symbolizes the 38 parallel. The border being fought for. In learning this, I desired to include some sort of symbolism with in the tribute. Not sure on how I continues with my sketch of the three men wearing the rain ponchos. I studied my lay out and discovered the first soldier lies under the third feather and there is a crack in the wall under the eighth feather. The 38 parallel was provided by God. I would also like to note that the journalist that where held in North Korea where released on the day I completed the tribute. They were arrested of trespassing on the 38 parallel.

Tribute to WW1- Trench warfare was used during this period. It was also the first time for Mustard and poisonous gases. Using grey and sepia tones , heavy shading shows folds and movement in their uniforms.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Journal Record Article-7-18-2009

Kathryn Hirschfeld did a wonderful job on the piece. I appreciate the mural getting the recognition and helping Guin.

Updated photos of blocking in WW1 and added shadowing

The new scene was approved and pushing forward with the trench war scene with soldiers with gas mask.
Over all shot showing composition. When I take these photos I study them on my TV to help plan the next day.

Working on Civil War Tribute

Today was challenging due to the heat and confined quarters with the rose bushes. I also found that the wheels and hubs to be difficult. The wheels are askew ed and the spokes were tricky to achieve the correct perspective.

After blocking in the scene with the pageant Blue I decided the scale needed to be enlarged. In this shot you can see the start of the new scale with the Elephant Grey.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tribute to WW2- A rendition of the monument in Washington D.C. of Iwa Jima. Today I worked on more shadowing and added a shaded flag. I used Pageant song to create a haze and plan to fade it more into the Renderious blue once the composition is lay ed out more .
WW1 tribute- A rendition of a Airplane. This time period is when the Air Force split from the Army Air Core. After much thought and consideration I purposed to Mayor Segraves to change this subject matter. I have done some additional research and feel a trench war scene will portray this War more appropriately. I plan to sketch a scene with soldiers in gas mask for the City Board to approve. I think the change is also more in line with the other tributes. They all will have soldiers portrayed. I might add a plane in the distance.
Civil War Tribute- A scene of Three soldiers loading a cannon. The shadowing and shading will be done with the same shades as Iwa Jima tribute. I enlarged the scene from the original sketch due to the large rose bushes. There is more to transferring points to get the proportion correct. When one area is altered , It is important to consider the whole composition. Enlarging the Civil War scene makes it necessary to enlarge the others to keep the whole scene balanced. I am also being careful to not crowd the scenes which would make the whole work confusing and loose the flow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

7 days in

I'm so pleased with the Eagle's stern look.
Day 5 was spent detailing the eyes and beak. I used Golden glow for the eye, and beak color. the shadow was done with elephant grey and abby white. the shadowing in the eyes and beak were with caval brown and light touches of black magic.

Day 4 detailing of the left wing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Project notes for the first 3 days

I want to thank all the individuals for sharing there kind words on the progress. I truly appreciate the confidence the town has given me.
This is the largest mural thus far and much more time is needed in blocking in the base colors. For those following the blog.....just wait...the shadowing and detailing are going to really make the design.

Tyring out a new sprayer I lay ed in the brown- (Carvel brown). I was unhappy with the coverage and went back to trusty brushes. The sprayer would save time, but with the rough surface I am more confident with the 2" and 1" brushes.
After studying and checking measurement from the previous night, I discovered I lost 4' on the right wing. (Lost in the night) I corrected the error and the balance and the wing spread is now much more appealing.

Day 2- Thursday 7-2-09 Temp was around 98 degrees and the heat index was around 102. I spent some of the afternoon transferring measurements from my drawing to the wall. I decided to come back in the evening and try working at night. This was more comfortable but the lights made it difficult to mark with the shadowing. The bricks are in good shape but much of the mortar is missing. Painting by lights at night was difficult to insure complete coverage. I also discovered in plotting out my design that some revisions are necessary. The area where the depiction of the Civil War is to be located has beautiful roses planted in front of it. Enlarging the design will balance under the left wing.

Feeling a little odd covering the previous design "We Support our Troops", I felt it necessary to put in extra time before the July 4 Th holiday. I stayed until 11:30 p.m. to paint the Eagles head and top part of his wings. This was enough to give a clue to the community who may have not seen the design to know what was about to happen on this 74' wall.

Day 1 was spent getting the work area prepared. The wall has a large flower bed in front of it and the ground I'm working on is mulch. This is a little problematic due to the fact this wall will be done off ladders. I tried placing pallets and plywood over the sprinkler head to make for a stable foundation.

This photo shows the pallets at the base of the wall

The primer used is Zinser-Bulls-eye 1-2-3. It is a great primer with wonderful coverage. I had it tinted a light grey to make the colors that will be covering it warmer. This also helps with glare since the wall is in full sun.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Guin's Memorial Park Mural-June 29,2009

The wall is pressured washed,and I have the paint and equipment ready for the next mural project. The plans for this mural began back in September of last year. The Guin City council have approved the design and this will be accomplished from the wonderful assistance of the Mayfest committee. A special thank you goes to Roger for the extra time he spent this past HOT Saturday to clean the wall for me. :>
The following are photo's from the monuments in the park:

The existing flag and "We support out troops" was painted by Bart McDonald back in 1992. I have met with him and he is supportive of the project. ( I felt it only appropriate to consult with him since the mural will be covering his painting.) The new design will include a timeline of Wars.